What if the Truth is Found in a Religion you haven’t Investigated?

Sorry, but God is not a magician

We make decisions to believe things based on information that cannot always be proven to the degree someone who disagrees with us, would change their mind.

Still, much like the Jews who demanded the crucifixion of Jesus, modern man, expects a mythological manifestation from God to show Himself to them performing tricks to satisfy their doubts. Sorry, but God is not a magician, and life is not a show.  

 Others (Christians not excluded) believe in God without even considering evidence of His existence; I don’t validate this, not one bit! In the end, no one can absolutely prove to me God does not exist, and I cannot absolutely prove to the unbelieving sceptic that He does. 

Modern man expects a mythological manifestation from God to show Himself to them performing tricks to satisfy their doubts. Sorry, but God is not a magician, and life is not a show.

Shan Thumbran

Eventually, faith will have to enter the picture. 

No, no, no!

Wait a moment before burning tires at me, “I’m a realist, ‘belief’ defies logic; therefore, religion makes no sense!” 

Hear me out before spinning off!

Contrary to many modernists, who happily reject “the assertion that there is a God or gods (Atheism)”.  Affirm,  belief in something! Well, belief in precisely nothing, actually too specific but still a belief system nevertheless. To beg the question, how willing are they to at least consider opposing views? What’s fascinating, almost everyone has an opinion to offer about the Bible, yet so few have read it.

Why I Started Believing?

I become a Christian at the age of thirteen after accepting Christ Jesus Lord and Saviour. Even as a child, I  believed there was a Creator of the universe. Later I understood better, about a God who intelligently designed both the seen and invisible and placed it in motion and that Jesus, is the Son of God, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. 

Thirty-five years later, I still believe salvation is only in Christ Jesus and only by trusting in Him. No one is good enough to earn eternal life. No amount of good works can pay for the right to live with God in heaven for eternity. You cannot go to church enough, pray enough, fast enough or tithe enough to earn points as if with our deeds we can appease God’s justice.  

The only way to God is through Jesus the Messiah, the Anointed One of God, who freely gave Himself as a propitiation for the sins of humanity. He willingly submitted to a violent mob that demanded His crucifixion under first-century Roman law. He was willingly nailed to a Roman cross for you and me, paying the price for our sins, which separated us from God. 

Trusting in Jesus’ choice to die for us is the only way, by faith, to not die the second death and eternal separation from God. 

Is trusting enough? 

I presume the Bible is a historically accurate document containing a true and reliable account of Jesus’ life. 

I agree that just because Jesus made claims about Himself and just because I believe those claims, it does not make those claims true. (Remember, they had not the faintest idea the earth was not flat?)

I believe there are excellent reasons to believe in the Bible. Claims, such as the historicity, literary, scientific, relevance and personal transformation—topics all for discussion at this time.

Some may ask, “But did you investigate all religions before you chose Christianity, and how can you know Christianity is the true religion? What if the truth is found in a religion you haven’t investigated?” 

Of course, the same question could be asked of the Atheist, have you investigated every thought regarding the existence of God? 

The problem with this type of reasoning is that it leads to a never-ending what-if hypothetical pattern of an intellectual investigative tennis match.  

What if you left for work today and got hit by a truck? What if the person you married really isn’t your soul mate? 

What if you decided to move to another country? 

What if you don’t vote for the ANC? 

The what-if syndrome can stagnate virtually any decision. Eventually, a decision must be made based on something.


The best evidence

Hopefully, after you have “tested” the Bible, oh and I do recommend that you begin investigating the most bizarre claim of all, the Resurrection of Jesus. Perhaps you, too, will understand that my faith as a Christian is based on a belief founded upon objective reasoning, which leads to a rational decision based on the best evidence and information possible. 

But after all, is said and done, faith enters the picture—even for the Atheist who does not believe in faith. Or so they claim … 

My faith as a Christian is based on a belief founded upon objective reasoning, which leads to a rational decision based on the best evidence and information possible.CLICK TO TWEET

My confidence  

Unlike most modern man, I do not propose to have all of the answers. I do not have all of the so-called contradictions of the Bible figured out, nor do I have the science background to debate things of science. I do not think I am more read or educated than most like and unlike. I do not presume or assume I am smarter than most believers, some believers, or any believers. 

I do know, however, that I am confident in a risen Savior—a historical Jesus, who gave Himself up for me that I might live. 

This confidence is based on objective reasons to believe because God never asked anyone to trust or believe in Him blindly and because blind, unreasonable faith is not Christian faith. 

(Except New Book: The God Question coming soon)

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